Stephen Mettling, David Cusic, Ryan Mettling

Principles of Real Estate Practice in Maryland

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
EAN 9798230863113
Veröffentlicht März 2025
Verlag/Hersteller rycolemet
Familienlizenz Family Sharing

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Performance Programs Company's Principles of Real Estate Practice in Maryland contains the essentials of the national and Maryland real estate law, principles, and practices necessary for basic competence as a real estate professional and as mandated by Maryland license law. It is based on our highly successful and popular national publication, Principles of Real Estate Practice, which is in use in real estate schools nationwide.
The text is tailored to the needs of the pre-license student. It is designed to- make it easy for students to learn the material and pass their real estate exam- prepare students for numerous career applications- stress practical, rather than theoretical, skills and knowledge.
Principles of Real Estate Practice in Maryland is streamlined, direct and to-the-point. It includes multiple learning reinforcements. It has a student-oriented organization, both within each chapter and from chapter to chapter. Its examples and exercises are grounded in the authors' many years in real estate education.


For over forty years, Stephen Mettling and David Cusic, PhD, have operated Performance Programs Company, one of the nation's most successful custom training organizations specializing in real estate program development. Mr. Mettling and Dr. Cusic have jointly written over 100 books, courses, and custom programs in all facets of real estate for some of the country's largest organizations including the National Association of Realtors® and its many Institutes.
Mr. Mettling has also served as vice president and author for the country's largest real estate training and publishing organization. Under various capacities, he has managed the acquisition, development, and sale of national real estate textbooks and publications, as well as directed the country's largest affiliated group of real estate schools.

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