Stephen Morrison

No. 1: A Reading Guide

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 131152584X
EAN 9781311525840
Veröffentlicht Mai 2016
Verlag/Hersteller S. D.
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
0,00 inkl. MwSt.
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It's no secret that my first fiction book, No. 1, is a bit of an enigma. Anyone who sets out to read it may be perplexed or perhaps even annoyed. It's an odd book, but something I couldn't help myself to write. I loved writing it. And I still think it's a great book, something I find myself re-visiting regularly to enjoy. But here I wanted to put together a reading guide for the perplexed, not to explain everything, because I think the search is a part of the fun; instead, this guide will give an overview of some of the major themes, motifs, and influences, as well as a clear explanation of the story-line. You don't need to have read the book already to benefit from this guide, because it also acts as a kind of introduction to the book, encouraging you to take the leap into the strange new world of No. 1 I've tried to craft. At the end I offer an extended preview of the book for this reason.


Stephen Morrison is an American writer living in between the States and Europe, interested in writing creative and innovative stories. His work is fascinating for its unique style and complex structure. He is the author of No. 1, an experimental novel, and its related guide.

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