Steve Price

Riding With Cochise

The Apache Story of America's Longest War. 32 Abbildungen. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 216 Seiten
ISBN 1510774580
EAN 9781510774582
Veröffentlicht Mai 2023
Verlag/Hersteller Skyhorse Publishing
Familienlizenz Family Sharing

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Riding With Cochise brings the violent drama of the American Southwest to life through the eyes of the legendary Apache chieftain Cochise and three other tribal leaders, Geronimo, Victorio, and Mangas Coloradas. Relying largely on the oral histories told by relatives of these great warriors as well as personal diaries of others who were involved, veteran author Steve Price takes the reader deep into the Cochise Stronghold, through Massacre Canyon, and across Apache Pass. You'll sit beside the campfires of Tom Jeffords, the only white man Cochise ever fully trusted, and touch the faded stone walls of Fort Craig, the rock cairns at Dragoon Springs, and the magnificent cottonwoods at Ojo Caliente. You'll be with General George Crook and Lt. Charles Gatewood as they pursue Geronimo through New Mexico, Arizona and even into Mexico's Sierra Madre, and learn how a handful of Apache warriors could disappear into open desert, ride and sleep on horseback, and outwit thousands of American and Mexican troops for months at a time. Thoroughly researched and written in the author's easy but fast-paced story-telling style, Riding With Cochise presents a sweeping history of how one Native American tribe fought desperately to keep its land and its culture in the face of America's westward expansion known as Manifest Destiny, then spent 27 years in exile and captivity before finally being allowed to return to their beloved homeland.


Steve Price has been a fulltime writer and photographer for more than five decades, specializing in outdoor recreation, travel, American history, and nature photography. He has written more than 3,500 magazine articles for dozens of publications, several video scripts, and seventeen books ranging from freshwater fishing to African wildlife to Spanish mustangs. His photography has won national and international awards and been used by the National Geographic Society, Ford Motor Company, the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation, and many others. He has traveled widely throughout the world, and currently serves as a Contributing Editor for Field & Stream and as a columnist for the Yamaha Marine Group. He recently re-located from his home in New Mexico where he worked with the Apaches, to Mena, Arkansas

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