Stocks Madesimple

Mindset, strategy, execution - stocksmadesimple E-book #2

The no-bullshit guide, designed to show you the proper mindset and approach needed to succeed in the markets. If you are here for the "get-rich-quick scheme" or hack - you are wasting your time. If you want to better your situation and results - welcome. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1471647277
EAN 9781471647277
Veröffentlicht Juni 2022
0,00 inkl. MwSt.
Sofort Lieferbar (Download)

This e-book is designed to change the way you think and operate, when it comes to trading and investing (although many of the topics apply in other areas of business), in order to arrive at greater places - whatever that may be for you.
There is no "magic trick" or "hack" that will turn you into the perfect trader overnight - those are lies spread by scammers and institutions.
If you are here for the "get-rich-quick" way - leave now, as you will be wasting your time.
On the other hand, if you actually want to change (and I do mean actually) - then keep reading and taking notes, as the concepts, stories and lessons you are about to encounter, are picked for a reason.
I have gathered the former over the years, both from my experience, but also from the insight of my friends and mentors.
And I would like to end with this: no matter what strategy or approach someone is showing you, regardless how well it may actually work, we are all different. We have different believes, we have different filters for the world, we take different actions, and thus we get different results - trading and investing are not a "one size fit all" - you have to find what works for you and stick to it.
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