The Texan Army 1835-46 - Stuart Reid

Stuart Reid

The Texan Army 1835-46

1. Auflage. 44 b/w; 8 col. Ebook (PDF). Sprache: Englisch. Dateigröße in MByte: 3.
pdf eBook , 48 Seiten
ISBN 1780967969
EAN 9781780967967
Veröffentlicht Mai 2012
Verlag/Hersteller Osprey Publishing

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The volunteer army that fought the Mexican dictator Santa Anna from 1835 to 1836 was immortalized in the epic battle of the Alamo. Taking arms initially to fight for the restoration of the liberal Mexican constitution of 1824, the volunteers were eventually fighting for outright Texan independence. This book describes and illustrates the group of men who, despite the diversity of their origins, equipment, weaponry and dress, were united in a common cause that reached its culmination in the victory of San Jacinto. The turbulent decade (1836-46) of Texan independence is also covered, and the little-studied army and navy of the Republic of Texas examined.


Stuart Reid was born in Aberdeen in 1954 and is married with two sons. He has worked as a librarian and a professional soldier and his main focus of interest lies in the 18th and 19th centuries. This interest stems from having ancestors who served in the British Army and the East India Company and who fought at Culloden, Bunker Hill and even in the Texas Revolution. His books for Osprey include the highly acclaimed titles about King George's Army 1740-93 (Men-at-Arms 285, 289 and 292), and the British Redcoat 1740-1815 (Warrior 19 and 20).


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