Sun, Sea, and Sound -

Sun, Sea, and Sound

Music and Tourism in the Circum-Caribbean. 35 figures. Sprache: Englisch. Dateigröße in MByte: 35.
pdf eBook , 336 Seiten
ISBN 0199988870
EAN 9780199988877
Veröffentlicht Mai 2014
Verlag/Hersteller Oxford University Press

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Music and tourism, both integral to the culture and livelihood of the circum-Caribbean region, have until recently been approached from disparate disciplinary perspectives. Scholars who specialize in tourism studies typically focus on issues such as economic policy, sustainability, and political implications; music scholars are more likely to concentrate on questions of identity, authenticity, neo-colonialism, and appropriation. Although the insights generated by these paths of scholarship have long been essential to study of the region, Sun, Sea, and Sound turns its attention to the dynamics and interrelationships between tourism and music throughout the region. Editors Timothy Rommen and Daniel T. Neely bring together a group of leading scholars from the fields of ethnomusicology, anthropology, mobility studies, and history to develop and explore a framework - termed music touristics - that considers music in relation to the wide range of tourist experiences that have developed in the region. Over the course of eleven chapters, the authors delve into an array of issues including the ways in which countries such as Jamaica and Cuba have used music to distinguish themselves within the international tourism industry, the tourism surrounding music festivals in Guadeloupe and New Orleans, the intersections between music and sex tourism in Brazil, and spirituality tourism in Cuba. An indispensable resource for the study of music and tourism in global perspective, Sun, Sea, and Sound is essential reading for scholars and students across disciplines interested in the Caribbean region.


Timothy Rommen received his Ph.D. in ethnomusicology from the University of Chicago in 2002. He specializes in the music of the Caribbean with research interests that include folk and popular sacred music, popular music, critical theory, ethics, diaspora, tourism, and the intellectual history of ethnomusicology. The majority of his research is focused on musics circulating in and around the Anglophone Caribbean.
Daniel T. Neely is an independent scholar specializing in the music of the Caribbean. He holds a PhD in music from New York University.


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