Susan Jeffers

The Feel The Fear Guide To... Lasting Love

How to create a superb relationship for life. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1446407195
EAN 9781446407196
Veröffentlicht Dezember 2010
Verlag/Hersteller Ebury Digital
Familienlizenz Family Sharing

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Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway has sold a million copies round the world since 1987, and is still one of the top ten bestsellers in the category of personal development. In this book, Susan Jeffers takes the approach and practical strategies that made her first such a success and applies them to the subject that is closest to all our hearts: Love. The author explains that, although most people desire a wonderful relationship, too many of us don't really understand what love truly means. We say we love people in our lives yet, too often, we don't act very lovingly. Nor do we choose our partners wisely. This lack of understanding about love is reflected in the ever-increasing divorce rate and the huge number of people who ask with a deep yearning in their hearts: Why is love so hard?
The Feel The Fear Guide To... Lasting Love shows what real love actually looks like, how to learn the essentials for finding it - and how to make it last a lifetime. It also lays out solutions to common problems and explains the destructive power of fear. Full of Jeffers' own experiences, humour and down-to-earth techniques, as well as the wisdom of others, this book will show us all how to enjoy the delight, satisfaction, peace and caring that true love can bring us.


Internationally renowned author Susan Jeffers, Ph.D., has helped millions of people all over the world to overcome their fears and heal the pain in their lives. Her books have been published in over 100 countries and translated into over 36 languages. Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway® is the book that launched her life-long career as one of the top self-help authors in the world and has sold over two million copies worldwide. For more information visit

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