Susan Thurman

The Only Grammar & Style Workbook You'll Ever Need

A One-Stop Practice and Exercise Book for Perfect Writing. EPUB. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 256 Seiten
ISBN 144053330X
EAN 9781440533303
Veröffentlicht Juni 2012
Verlag/Hersteller Adams Media
Familienlizenz Family Sharing

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Never make a grammatical mistake again with this essential, comprehensive resource for all your writing needs.
Everyone wants to produce writing that is clear, concise, and grammatically accurate, but getting to that point is not always easy. If you've ever had difficulty finding the right phrase to complete a simple sentence or have struggled to put a complicated thought into words, The Only Grammar and Style Workbook You'll Ever Need is for you.
In this book, grammar savant Susan Thurman guides you through the complexities of spelling, usage, and style in the English language. Her comprehensive drills show you how to:
-Find the right words
-Identify the parts of speech
-Recognize elements of a good sentence
-Avoid common grammatical and punctuation mistakes
-Write clearly and directly
With more than 150 exercises and in-depth lessons, this workbook will quickly become your go-to resource for all your writing needs.


Susan Thurman has taught English grammar from the junior high school level to the college level. She edits and publishes Class Act, a national magazine that features grammar, writing, and ideas for English teachers, and has written more than fifty articles on English instruction, as well as a number of study guides. She lives in Henderson, Kentucky, where she teaches at Henderson Community College.

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