Suzie Miller

Prima Facie: Special Edition (NHB Modern Plays)

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 144 Seiten
ISBN 1788506790
EAN 9781788506793
Veröffentlicht Mai 2023
Verlag/Hersteller Nick Hern Books
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
18,49 inkl. MwSt.
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This special edition of the international hit play Prima Facie features the definitive version of the award-winning script, together with colour photos and exclusive additional content, giving you a fascinating behind-the-scenes insight into the making of the production and the issues it explores.
In the play, Tessa is a young, brilliant barrister who has worked her way up from working-class origins to the top of her game: defending, cross-examining and winning. But when an unexpected event forces her to confront the patriarchal power of the law - where the burden of proof and morality diverge - she finds herself in a world where emotion and integrity are in conflict with the rules of the game.
After acclaimed productions in Australia and winning the Australian Writers' Guild Award for Drama, Prima Facie received its European premiere in a sold-out run at the Harold Pinter Theatre in London's West End in 2022 starring Jodie Comer in her West End debut. It was named Best New Play at both the 2023 Olivier and WhatsOnStage Awards. A filmed version, released in 2022, went on to become the highest-grossing event cinema release ever in the UK.
This edition, published alongside Prima Facie's Broadway transfer in 2023, includes contributions from writer Suzie Miller, actor Jodie Comer, director Justin Martin, producer James Bierman and other key members of the creative team, letting you go deeper into the world of the play. There are also essays on the legal context and how the play has become a vehicle for change in attitudes towards the treatment of female victims of sexual assault.


Suzie Miller is an Australian-British playwright, librettist and screenwriter. Her plays include Prima Facie, which was premiered in Australia in 2019, and had its UK premiere in the West End in 2022.

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