Swan Kelly

Inwestycje w dywidendy

Przewodnik wprowadzaj¿cy do akcji i dywidend. Paperback. Sprache: Polnisch.
kartoniert , 86 Seiten
ISBN 1088055915
EAN 9781088055915
Veröffentlicht September 2023
Verlag/Hersteller Swan Kelly
27,60 inkl. MwSt.
Lieferbar innerhalb von 3-5 Tagen (Versand mit Deutscher Post/DHL)

"Inwestowanie w dywidendy" to dog--bne studium inwestowania w akcje dywidendowe. Ksi--ka jest podzielona na dobrze zdefiniowane segmenty, które badaj- ró-ne aspekty tej formy inwestowania.
Preludium i Osobista odyseja: Sekcje te s-ü- wprowadzeniu w t-o i filozofi- inwestowania dywidendowego.
Segmenty 1-3: Tekst rozpoczyna si- od przegl-du uniwersum instrumentów o stäym dochodzie, nast-pnie przechodzi do szczegó-owego przewodnika po tym, jak poruszä si- po krajobrazie akcji dywidendowych, a na köcu do wskazówek dotycz-cych wyboru akcji dywidendowych.
Sekcje 4-5: Te cz--ci ksi--ki analizuj- ró-ne podej-cia taktyczne i techniki alokacji aktywów, zapewniaj-c ramy do podejmowania decyzji inwestycyjnych zgodnie z osobistymi celami finansowymi.
Sekcje 6-7: Sekcje te obejmuj- takie tematy, jak projektowanie i zarz-dzanie portfelem aktywów oraz implikacje podatkowe inwestowania w dywidendy.
Dodatkowe segmenty: Ksi--ka köczy si- dyskusj- na temat alternatyw finansowych i sposobów utrzymania dochodu z dywidendy.
Tekst ma struktur- zapewniaj-c- kompleksowe i szczegó-owe zrozumienie inwestowania w dywidendy, od podstaw po strategie taktyczne i zaawansowane wskäniki.


Swan Kelly is an author of educational picture books for children. Her passion for writing began at a young age when she discovered the power of books to transport children into imaginary worlds and teach them essential life lessons. After graduating from college, she decided to devote her career to creating books that can help children learn and grow. Swan Kelly is an author of educational picture books for children. Her passion for writing began at a young age when she discovered the power of books to transport children into imaginary worlds and teach them important life lessons. After completing her studies, she decided to devote her career to creating books that can help children learn and grow. Swan draws inspiration from her childhood memories to create exciting and entertaining stories that children can relate to. Her stories are filled with likeable and adventurous characters accompanied by colorful and lively illustrations. Moreover, in every book she writes she always tries to convey important lessons, such as the importance of friendship, empathy and self-improvement. Swan is a very passionate and committed writer who loves to share her passion for reading and writing with children around the world. Swan hopes to continue writing books that will inspire, entertain and teach children for many years. Swan draws on her childhood memories to create exciting and entertaining stories that children can become attached to. Her stories are filled with likable and adventurous characters, accompanied by colorful and lively illustrations.Moreover, in every book she writes, she always tries to instill essential lessons, such as the importance of friendship, empathy, and going beyond oneself. Swan is a very passionate and committed writer who loves to share her passion for reading and writing with children worldwide. She hopes to continue writing books that will inspire, entertain and teach children for many years.