Photographic Guide to the Birds of Japan and North-east Asia - Tadao Shimba

Tadao Shimba

Photographic Guide to the Birds of Japan and North-east Asia

1. Auflage. Around 1750 colour photographs throughout. Ebook (PDF). Sprache: Englisch. Dateigröße in MByte: 138.
pdf eBook , 640 Seiten
ISBN 1472947231
EAN 9781472947239
Veröffentlicht Mai 2019
Verlag/Hersteller Helm

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A spectacular and lavish photographic guide to the birds of Japan, Korea, north-east China and the Russian Far East.
Eastern Asia is blessed with a rich and spectacular avifauna, and all 520 regularly occurring species are featured in this spectacular and lavish new photographic guide to the region, covering Japan, northern China, North and South Korea and the Russian Far East.
The concise text focuses on key identification criteria, and is accompanied by a distribution map for every species. The accompanying photographs, contributed by Japan's top bird photographers, form a stunning series that will allow both field identification and rich enjoyment at home afterwards.
This beautiful book is a must-have for anyone interested in the birds of Asia.


Tadao Shimba was born in Tokyo, Japan, and developed an interest in nature when visiting his mothers home town in the foothills of the beautiful Japanese Alps every summer. This interest developed seriously in the ensuing years, during which he has recorded many rare birds, including four new species records for Japan. He has contributed numerous reports to various magazines and is a well-known and respected bird-watcher in Japan. He has also contributed superb photographs to various field guides and wildlife magazines in Japan, the United States and Australia.


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