Talia Samuels

The Christmas Swap

Sprache: Englisch.
kartoniert , 372 Seiten
ISBN 140595213X
EAN 9781405952132
Veröffentlicht November 2023
Verlag/Hersteller Penguin Books Ltd (UK)
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Margot is a single, high-flying businesswoman with no interest in a romance. Ben is an unlucky-in-love sweetheart in need of a woman to bring home for the holidays. So they make a pact: Margot gets two blissful weeks away from London, in exchange for posing as Ben's girlfriend. But Ben isn't the only Gibson that's caught Margot's eye.


Talia is an ex-chef, now-student, and future-librarian. (In past, present, and careers yet-to-come, writing remains a constant). Talia loves eating vegan food, laughing at her own jokes, and giving queer characters happy endings.