Tamara Wilkinson

Venture Capital Investment and Government Incentives

Law, Regulation, and Policy Design. 1. Auflage. Ebook (Epub & Mobi). Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 304 Seiten
ISBN 1509976388
EAN 9781509976386
Veröffentlicht 5. September 2024
Verlag/Hersteller Hart Publishing

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This book explores the best ways for governments to design venture capital investment incentives.
Venture capital is a multi-billion-dollar industry and a major driver of innovation and national growth. Investment in startup companies by venture capital funds helps finance new inventions and create wealth, economic growth, and jobs. However, because venture capital investment is highly risky and sensitive to market downturns, many governments around the world use special legal and tax incentives to help encourage this form of investment. Since the introduction of the first venture capital incentive in the USA in 1958, scores of venture capital incentives have come and gone. These incentives have experienced varied success, with some failing entirely.
Filling a gap in an important area, this book employs a legal and regulatory approach to examine venture capital policy from a global perspective. It uses an analytical framework to evaluate the design, implementation, and success of incentives, and looks at over 60 examples from 25 countries around the world.
The book is aimed at researchers and policy makers in law, finance and economics, as well as practitioners and investors in the venture capital space. The book introduces the legal aspects of venture capital investment and presents a list of leading practice guidelines and recommendations to help policy makers design effective, efficient, and appropriate venture capital incentives.


Tamara Wilkinson is Lecturer at the Faculty of Law, Monash University, Australia.

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