Tarun Pal

The Promise of Forever (1, #51)

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 8198569324
EAN 9788198569325
Veröffentlicht März 2025
Verlag/Hersteller TARUN PAL
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
3,99 inkl. MwSt.
Sofort Lieferbar (Download)

Author's Note
Love is not confined within the boundaries of words; it is an inseparable bond of emotions, connections, and promises. The Promise of Forever is not just a story for me—it is an attempt to give words to the deepest feelings of my heart. Every chapter of this book reflects my perception of love, my emotions, and the silent promises that do not fade with time but grow stronger every day.
I believe that the true essence of love lies in the smallest moments—in a deep gaze, in silent presence, or in the dreams built together. Every word and every emotion in this book is a reflection of my heart, dedicated to the one I love.
This book is not just my story; it is for those who understand the depth of love, who can comprehend the language of silence, and who cherish the promises of the heart as life's most precious treasure.
These writings are the rhythm of my heart, the story of my existence. And I hope that every page of this book will awaken an everlasting sense of love in the hearts of its readers.
— Tarun Pal


Dr. Tarun Pal is a distinguished leader in business innovation, academic research, and global peace initiatives. He has received numerous accolades, including the Doctor of Excellence Award from EAHEA, a Doctor of Science (DSc) Honoris Causa in Educational Management, and the National Appreciation Award from the Prime Minister of India.
As a Global Peace Ambassador and Founder of Right Pathway Consultancy, he shapes international education frameworks and fosters cross-border relationships. Dr. Pal is a prolific author with over 450 national and international awards and 30 world records, making him one of India's youngest pioneers in educational literature. His commitment to empowering future generations is evident through his work with over 40 institutions in educational research and development.

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