Terrence Bull

Equip Your Church To Love

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1311468692
EAN 9781311468697
Veröffentlicht März 2015
Verlag/Hersteller Terrence Bull
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
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Fundamentally our current church structure and systems are upside down. Because of this we are experiencing a systemic failure in our churches and denominations. Evidence of this is that worldwide all major denominations are in decline. What is more, this historical issue is even trapping the wonderful humble Men and Women of God who have sacrificed themselves tirelessly for their local churches.
The secret to having and building a successful church is clearly spelt out in the Bible. Equip Your Church To Love shows us what the bible tells us about how to mobilize our people into their ministry of love in order to transform them, our churches and the whole community around us.
God is calling us to reform our churches and prepare for the end time revival. We cannot carry on how we are—there needs to be a change in what we call church in order to unite the Body of Christ and to equip our churches to be ready for the end time revival.
This small book is designed to help us to re-examine what we call church and to see if what we are currently doing accurately lines up with the Word of God.
Read it, pray about it, earnestly seek the truth and ask God what he is calling you to do.
To those churches that are already practicing this, we pray that this will help you to more closely define what you are doing so that you can teach others and lead them into the truth.
Your feedback and questions are welcome—so we can all grow together in the Lord (for contact details see About the Author).


Terrence Bull has been a marketing and business consultant for over 35 years. He has built, from ground up, more than one global company and has helped thousands of businesses and businesspeople build their companies and achieve their business aspirations.
Terrence has run seminars globally and been a global thought leader. He has published many articles and self-help tips for businesspeople over his career.
His breakthrough theory of Doctrine Marketing (i.e., marketing centered on beliefs: Marketing=Perception) is now widely taught and accepted as core to modern day marketing practices. Likewise, his Blueprint for Business has become a standard for many businesses when self-diagnosing issues or growing their company.
After the COVID-19 lock-down in 2020, many businesspeople reached out to Terrence for help. In order to rapidly solve his client's primary issues and to make his business coaching services more accessible worldwide, he developed the Magic Beans program. He brought together all the material he had been teaching people over 35+ years as a business & marketing consultant, then created a way to turn people's thinking and beliefs about business around in just 12 hours—through twelve 1-hour sessions. The Magic Beans program gives people the same thinking and beliefs that has enabled Terrence to grow global companies in a way that still frees him up to pursue his many other passions.
For more information go to: www.magicbeans.woo.co

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