Traditional Conflict Resolution Mechanisms in Ethiopia. With Special Attention to Areknsanti/ Traditional Judge in Chagni Woreda - Teshale Aklilu

Teshale Aklilu

Traditional Conflict Resolution Mechanisms in Ethiopia. With Special Attention to Areknsanti/ Traditional Judge in Chagni Woreda

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pdf eBook , 35 Seiten
ISBN 3346381234
EAN 9783346381231
Veröffentlicht April 2021
Verlag/Hersteller GRIN Verlag
Familienlizenz Family Sharing

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Wissenschaftliche Studie aus dem Jahr 2012 im Fachbereich Afrikawissenschaften - Kultur und Landeskunde, , Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: This study reveals the role of Areknsanti as a traditional conflict resolution mechanism in handling conflicts in Chagni woreda in Awi Zone, Amhara National Regional State. Qualitative research methodology particularly and design were employed for it. It was found to be appropriate to assess the role of traditional institution of Arkeknsanti in handling conflicts in the study area. The collected data were analyzed through thematic analysis. The Researcher used representative sampling techniques. In addition to this, researcher used both primary and secondary sources. Conflict of the study area emanated from two categories of economic ones and social conflict on the other side.
In the world there are many conflict can arise in different group of society or the same group are known as intra or enter group conflict and it is the struggle over value or claims to status and scarce resource such as economy and political power. Almost all over the peoples of the world regardless of their location in time and space have their own methods to solve disputes and achieving resolution of their differences. Gulliver states that every society has its own mechanism of solving conflict. Conflict management refers to the long term management of intractable conflict. And label for the variety of ways by which people handle conflict standing up for what they consider to be right and against what they consider to be wrong. Conflict management is often considered to be distinct from conflict resolution. And it may occur between warring parties who contest an incompatibility. Nature of incompatibility can be territorial or governmental but warring party must be a government of a state or any opposition organization or alliance of organization that use armed force to promote its position in the incompatibility in an intrastate or interstate armed conflict.

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