The Behrg

The Creation: In The Beginning (The Creation Series, #0.5)

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1393034268
EAN 9781393034261
Veröffentlicht Juli 2015
Verlag/Hersteller Pricks Like Thorn Media
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
0,00 inkl. MwSt.
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In the jungles of the Amazon rain forest, a frightening power is stirring; an event beginning that only occurred once in the history of the Earth. During its process of Creation. And it will take more than tenacity and ingenuity to survive the coming seven days.
The Creation is about to begin anew, and what mankind will discover is that in order to Create, one must first Destroy.
In The Beginning is a thrilling novella-length chapter which begins The Creation Series. A dark supernatural thriller with a blend of sci-fi, fantasy, and horror, The Creation is a genre-bending series filled with flawed yet unforgettable characters.
This chapter is also included in the first novel of The Creation Series, titled The Creation: Axis Mundi


A former child actor turned wanna-be rockstar, Behrg is the author of the Internationally best-selling novel Housebroken and the thrilling genre-breaking Creation Series. His short fiction has been featured in various collections and "Best Of" anthologies, and his mom even hung one of his stories on the fridge back when he was in the fourth grade.
Behrg lives in Southern California with his wife and four children where he still plays in a band, plays in fictional worlds of his own creating, and plays—quite poorly, he might add—at being an adult.
When coloring, he does not stay within the lines. Stalk him at

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