The Economics of War in Ancient Greece

ebook Ausgabe. Ebook (Epub & Mobi). Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 280 Seiten
ISBN 1350471801
EAN 9781350471801
Veröffentlicht 12. Dezember 2024
Verlag/Hersteller Bloomsbury Academic

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In recent decades the study of the ancient economy and ancient warfare have both been transformed by ground-breaking new studies and methodological approaches. Offering a selection of cutting-edge research on the interlocked themes of economics and war, this edited volume explores how armed conflict affected markets and economic opportunities in ancient Greece. From the destruction of cities to the emergence of new fiscal institutions, war prompted massive changes to economic conditions throughout the ancient Mediterranean and beyond - some with lasting consequences for the organisation of states and armies.
The contributors look beyond the old paradigms of finance and logistics, and broaden the discussion to address themes such as gender, literary culture and the Persian Empire. More specifically, they analyse how ancient rulers and states struggled to mobilise resources and what they did to tackle fiscal challenges to wage war more efficiently, thereby demonstrating how matters of war can be an invaluable source of information on the way ancient economies worked and developed. As a result, this book shows how the study of economic factors - too often neglected in works on ancient warfare - allows a deeper understanding of military cultures and events in ancient Greece.


Roel Konijnendijk is Darby Fellow in Ancient History at Lincoln College, University of Oxford, UK. He works on the structural features of Greek warfare and its treatment in modern scholarship. He is author of Between Miltiades and Moltke: Early German Studies in Greek Military History (2023) and Classical Greek Tactics: A Cultural History (2018).
Manu Dal Borgo is Lecturer in Game Theory and Computer Science at University College London, UK. They hold a PhD in Classical Philology and Economics, and they work as a Data Science Specialist in NLP at Oxera, London, UK.

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