The Great White Brotherhood

From Separateness to True Self-Realization: A Transitional Guide Designed to Stimulate a Spiritual Revolution

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
EAN 9798201812850
Veröffentlicht Juni 2022
Verlag/Hersteller The Stewards of True Self-Realization
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
0,00 inkl. MwSt.
Sofort Lieferbar (Download)

This is an announcement that The Great White Brotherhood's course of study, From Separateness to True Self-Realization: A Transitional Guide Designed to Stimulate a Spiritual Revolution, is available for free at this site. A "Table of Contents" is followed by four informative sections, "About The Authors, About the Guide, Preface: The Tree of Life and Chapter 0: The Fool's Journey." After these come the main body of lessons which are grouped in sets of chapters with the titles, "The Novitiate, The Intermediate, The Advanced and The Master Classes," and are concluded with the Epilogue containing three parts.
The lessons being imparted in the guide are revolutionary and evolutionary. They are designed to give mankind options we have previously not considered. Upon reading "The Ten Stages of Mankind's Cultural and Spiritual Evolution, " we will understand how all we built upon the premise of separateness can be healed by evolving enlightened social agreements. Many are becoming aware that now is the time to nurture an alternative interconnected vision of our world.
Those who gravitate toward these teachings will do so out of concern for the future of humanity and the Earth. They realize the premise of separateness must be replaced with the verity there is no division between themselves, their Gods and all that exists. Assisting aspirants to perceive this, The GWB will introduce us to the knowledge which will dismantle all we have come to believe about ourselves and the world, thus preparing us for a 4-D transition of our consciousness.
This course will lead humanity into an enlightened future, but it will also turn upside down our view of ourselves as being separate. For this reason, The GWB will expose aspirants to their instructions in a manner we can easily assimilate and then put this knowledge into practice without undue difficulty. Their teachings will lead us to the doorway of our enlightenment and empower us to step through it.
"Let's put our minds together and see what kind of life we can make for our children." ~Sitting Bull
It is The GWB's goal for all who study the guide to be transformed into powerful teachers and healers. Upon completion of this course, you will be offered an opportunity to combine your energy with others in a community called The Stewards of True Self-Realization. United in this way, your consciousness will be rapidly raised, and your illusions will be remedied. We will become stronger as a result of assisting others to assimilate these teachings.
The GWB realizes a transformation of mankind's consciousness will not occur by merely offering the guide without the assistance of The Stewards. By working together as partners, we will be able to relay these teachings to the billions needing this information, thus providing a meaningful purpose for those uniting their efforts in this manner. For this reason, they suggest we brainstorm how we can apply the guide's teachings to initiate change and activate ways to ease our fellow men into transcending their illusions.
By unifying in the above manner, we could create a new life for our children by fulfilling their future needs as Sitting Bull suggested to his people. Humanity must be brought to understand that separateness can no longer provide us with a sustainable future. Liberation from this condition can only materialize when we unite our hearts and minds.


"It is not that we love to be alone, but that we love to soar, and when we do soar, the company grows thinner and thinner until there is none at all…We are not the less to aim at the summits though the multitude does not ascend them." ~Henry David Thoreau
We are Patricia & Daniel AngelsAgrarian who have devoted many years to putting the guide together under the direction of The Great White Brotherhood. Each of us has been on a spiritual path for over five decades. Since our marriage in 1990, we have been pursuing our dream of developing a homestead in order to live a simple and sustainable food and energy self-reliant lifestyle. Our mentors on this path were Helen and Scott Nearing who lived this way from the 1930s -1980s. Not many are attracted to this way of life, and our "…company [has grown] thinner and thinner until there [was] none.…" However, we are "…not the less to aim at the summits…."
In 1970, Daniel joined a mystic teaching order called The Holy Order of MANS. Throughout the ten years he was a student, they healed him of the illusions inhibiting his ability to realize our True Self, which the HOOM called The God Self. The guide came into being via a vision Daniel had similar to the one Ezekiel described in Ezekiel 1:4-28. This was when he received the information and instructions he was to incorporate into the guide. During the fall of 2014, The GWB told him to "Sit down and write," which he did. He integrated the knowledge he acquired from his study of the 22 Major Arcana Tarot cards in the organization of their teachings.
Patricia's assistance in the process of bringing the guide to fruition has been invaluable. She's done the proofreading and has been the source of Strength which has made the writing of the guide possible. What is written will make sense to readers as a result of her tireless attempts to provide clarity for the difficult to understand spiritual information being relayed.

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