The Oxford Handbook of Grammatical Number

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 752 Seiten
ISBN 0192515373
EAN 9780192515377
Veröffentlicht Juli 2021
Verlag/Hersteller Oxford University Press

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This volume offers detailed accounts of current research in grammatical number in language. Following a detailed introduction, the chapters in the first three parts of the book explore the multiple research questions in the field and the complex problems surrounding the analysis of grammatical number: Part I presents the background and foundational notions, Part II the morphological, semantic, and syntactic aspects, and Part III the different means of expressing plurality in the event domain.
The final part offers fifteen case studies that include in-depth discussion of grammatical number phenomena in a range of typologically diverse languages, written by - or in collaboration with - native speakers linguists or based on extensive fieldwork. The volume draws on work from a range of subdisciplines - including morphology, syntax, semantics, and psycholinguistics - and will be a valuable resource for students and scholars in all areas of theoretical, descriptive, and experimental linguistics.


Patricia Cabredo Hofherr is a Researcher at the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS). Her work examines the interaction between morphology, syntax, and semantics. Her recent research focuses on cross-linguistic variation in argument backgrounding strategies, including passives and indefinites, and on the distributive dependencies involving event pluralities.
Jenny Doetjes is Professor of Semantics and Language Variation at the Leiden University Centre for Linguistics. Her research concentrates on cross-linguistic variation and similarity in relation to semantics and cognition. She has worked on various phenomena across typologically different languages, including the count-mass distinction, quantity expressions, the relation between quantity and gradability, and wh-in situ questions.

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