The Royal Women's Hospital

The Women's Health Book: An Introduction

The Royal Women's Hospital. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 45 Seiten
ISBN 0857985566
EAN 9780857985569
Veröffentlicht April 2014
Verlag/Hersteller Random House Australia
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
0,00 inkl. MwSt.
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The Women's Health Book: An Introduction
As a woman, looking after your health is the most important step you can take towards creating a healthy, happy family and a thriving community. But in today's busy world, with so many demands on your time, it's not always easy to find information you can trust.
In this introduction to The Women's Health Book, you will find out how and why women's health care is so different to men's; how you can keep your body and mind healthy as you grow older; and how to get the most out of a doctor's appointment.
For a comprehensive look at every aspect of your body and health, you can go to the complete edition of The Women's Health Book. It is written specifically for women by health professionals who specialise in women's health, clinicians who are well placed to help you look after your physical, mental and social wellbeing. The book is designed to help you participate as an equal partner in your health care, to empower you to ask questions and make better choices to improve your health. The Women's Health Book is an essential reference book for every Australian woman's shelf.


The Royal Women's Hospital in Melbourne is Australia's largest hospital dedicated to improving the health of women of all ages. Each year, the hospital cares for more than 200,000 women from 165 countries, who speak 60 different languages and follow 42 separate religious faiths.
For over 150 years, the Women's has led the advocacy and advancement of women's health care. The Women's is committed to a holistic philosophy of health and provides comprehensive services ranging from health promotion to clinical expertise and leadership in maternity services, gynaecology, cancer services and specialist care of newborn babies. It is also a major teaching hospital and a medical research leader of world renown.

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