Theory as World Literature

ebook Ausgabe. Ebook (Epub & Mobi). Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 296 Seiten
EAN 9798765108673
Veröffentlicht 26. Dezember 2024
Verlag/Hersteller Bloomsbury Academic

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The first collection to consider what it means for theory to be considered as a species of world literature - and vice versa.
What does it mean for theory to be considered as a species of not just literature but world literature? This volume offers a wide range of accounts of how the "worlding" of literature both problematizes the national categorizing of theory (e.g., French theory), and brings new meanings and challenges to the coming together of theory and literature. In sum, it presents theory as world literature as a viable alternative to more commonplace approaches to theory.
Under such an approach to theory, what it means to be an African, American, or Asian "theorist" - let alone a French, German, or Spanish one - in the new millennium is as complicated (or simple) as what means to be "African," "American," or "Asian." "Worlded" literature is not considered here as only the world literature of nations and nationalities. Rather, it is also the worlded literature of individuals crossing borders, mixing stories, and speaking in dialect. So too is it the worlded literature of the multinational corporate publishing industry wherein success in the global market is a major determinate of aesthetic and literary value.
Offering accounts of what it means to consider theory as world literature, the authors in this pioneering collection explore the ways in which we might regard theory as connected and reconnected through global literary networks of increasing complexity and precarity. By approaching theory from this perspective, Theory as World Literature demonstrates how and why theory is more worldly now than ever.


Jeffrey R. Di Leo is Professor of English and Philosophy at the University of Houston-Victoria, USA. He is editor and founder of the critical theory journal symploke, editor-in-chief of American Book Review, and Executive Director of the Society for Critical Exchange and its Winter Theory Institute.

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