Therese Huston

Let's Talk

Make Effective Feedback Your Superpower. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1473590124
EAN 9781473590120
Veröffentlicht Januar 2021
Verlag/Hersteller Cornerstone Digital

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A ground-breaking method for giving feedback that will boost performance and motivation.
We all give feedback every day of our working lives. But all too often, a fear of awkward conversations leads us to hold back or say the wrong things.
Let's Talk can change that. Dr Therese Huston, a world-leading expert on workplace communication, explains how to deliver feedback effectively and with confidence. She begins with the building blocks of all good feedback: siding with the other person, listening first, stating your good intentions, and working out what kind of critique your team wants most. Next, she describes the six practical tools you need to deliver constructive feedback: from what to say if you meet resistance, to how to ensure unconscious bias doesn't leak into your appraisal.
The result is a step-by-step plan to help anyone to improve performance, trust and morale. It will make a once-dreaded task feel natural.
'Brilliant . . . empowers you to create real behaviour change and lasting trust.' - Nir Eyal, bestselling author of Hooked
'Research, relevant stories, and actionable frameworks that we can all apply to turn feedback into a personal superpower.' - Julie Zhuo, bestselling author of The Making of a Manager


Dr Therese Huston received her MS and PhD in Cognitive Psychology from Carnegie Mellon University. She is the founding director of the Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning at Seattle University. Huston has written for The New York Times and Harvard Business Review and she regularly delivers talks for academic audiences, businesses and conferences. She has previously given talks at Microsoft, Amazon, TEDxStLouis and Harvard Business School.

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