Thomas Duchesneau

The Bells of Bungunuk

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
EAN 9781483428482
Veröffentlicht April 2015
Verlag/Hersteller Lulu Publishing Services

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In the peaceful medieval farming village of Emmonk, seventeen-year-old Daniel is preparing to ask a beautiful young woman to marry him when Emmonk is suddenly overrun by brutal Savok warriors. As the Savok begin their evil rampage, Daniel's happy life is thrown into turmoil.
After Daniel and his sister, June, squeeze into a cubby inside their house and hide, the Savok murder the father before their eyes and kidnap the mother and Anna, the woman Daniel plans to marry. Helped by their uncle, Calnav, and a queen and princess, Daniel and June leave on a dangerous journey to Bungunuk where they hope to find asylum and determine how they can rescue Anna and Daniel's mother and save their beloved land from the Savok warriors. Can Daniel be the hero everyone expects him to be?
In this classic tale of good versus evil, a teen embarks on a daring adventure during the turbulent Middle Ages in a brave attempt to save his land from marauding invaders.

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