Tiffany Rene

This is Freedom:From Bondage to Breakthrough: A Guide to True Freedom

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
EAN 9798230928874
Veröffentlicht Januar 2025
Verlag/Hersteller Rise2Write Publishing LLC
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
9,99 inkl. MwSt.
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In This is Freedom: From Bondage to Breakthrough – A Guide to True Freedom, Tiffany Rene invites readers on a transformative journey from the grips of personal bondage to a life of freedom and fulfillment. Drawing from her personal traumas as well as years of professional experience as a social worker, life coach and counselor, Tiffany addresses the hidden struggles that hold many back. Some of these include addictions, people-pleasing, unresolved trauma, unforgiveness, lack of time management and much more. These forms of bondage often feel insurmountable, but with her compassionate guidance and practical tools, readers will discover how to break free and step into a brighter, more empowered future.
Through insightful teachings and actionable steps, Tiffany provides readers with a roadmap to identify and confront their own areas of bondage, heal from past wounds, and embrace lasting freedom. Each chapter uncovers a new layer of empowerment, allowing readers to reclaim their joy, strengthen their resilience, and cultivate a life rooted in purpose.
Whether you're beginning your journey to healing or looking to deepen your growth, This is Freedom offers the wisdom and encouragement needed to break through life's chains and embrace a renewed sense of self. It's time to let go of what's been holding you back and step boldly into the life of freedom you deserve.


Tiffany Rene is an International Speaker, Author, and Life Coach dedicated to helping women break free from life's challenges and step into their full potential. Her compassionate guidance helps women build self-love, achieve healing, deepen their faith, and thrive holistically.
Tiffany's mission is to transform lives by empowering women to exchange their pain for purpose, radiate confidence, and create a life of freedom and fulfillment. Tiffany Rene has a bachelor's degree in Social Work, is a state-certified Behavioral Health Case Manager, and is a Qualified Mental Health Professional. She is the Founder and Executive Director of a nonprofit organization, Whole H.E.A.R.T. Foundation, INC., which provides restorative services to women and preventative services to adolescent girls. Since its inception, they have impacted over 3.000 women.
Tiffany has been coaching and counseling women since 2009. Throughout her professional journey, she has become an expert in helping women overcome life trials. Throughout her personal journey, she has triumphed and overcome despite the abuse, trials, and trauma she endured.
Tiffany is passionate about empowering women and helping to lead them to freedom from any barriers that hinder them from their joy and fulfilling their purposes in life. Tiffany Rene is Here 2 Empower!

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