Tilly Bagshawe

Do Not Disturb

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1409105253
EAN 9781409105251
Veröffentlicht September 2008
Verlag/Hersteller Orion
Familienlizenz Family Sharing

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Whisking you through the doors of the world's most exclusive hotels, DO NOT DISTURB is a blockbusting romp that's smart, sexy and more than a little scandalous.
What would you give for one night in the world's most luxurious hotel?
Now imagine you own it.
Honor is trying to save the family hotel that shares her name. Palmers, a beautiful old jewel of a building nestled on the coast of the Hamptons, used to be the most glamorous destination in the world. Now Honor wants to restore its reputation, its glitz and its guestlist.
But there's a new boy in town with a different plan. Lucas Ruiz is manager of the new hotel on the block, and wants to bring modern boutique-chic to the States.
As Honor and Lucas prepare to go head to head to get the rich and famous checking in, the locals are busy checking out the backstairs gossip. Blackmail, adultery and the dirtiest of dirty tricks are all in a day's work behind the scenes of the five-star facades.


Tilly Bagshawe

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