Tilly Bagshawe


ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1409105261
EAN 9781409105268
Veröffentlicht Mai 2009
Verlag/Hersteller Orion
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
4,49 inkl. MwSt.
Sofort Lieferbar (Download)

The perfect escapist beach read for fans of Joan Collins and Jilly Cooper
'Totally self-indulgent, escapist pleasure: I adored it!' Sophie Kinsella
In the glittering world of international diamond dealing, all is not beautiful, polished and perfect... Tilly Bagshawe is back with another smart and sexy round-the-world romp.
Set in the glittering world of international diamond dealing, FLAWLESS follows the fortunes of idealistic young designer Scarlett Drummond Murray as she battles her way through the snake pits of greed and corruption in the jewellery business.
From London to Beverly Hills, New York to Cape Town, Scarlett finds herself plunged into a world of ruthless mine owners, shady diamond dealers, and the stunningly beautiful women for whom they all compete, in business and in bed. All of them, in their different ways, are prepared to sell their souls and sacrifice everything in pursuit of that one, elusive, perfect stone, no matter what the cost.
But is Scarlett also destined to be blinded by the brilliance of the temptation that surrounds her? Or can she keep her nerve - and her principles - and make it to the top with her heart and her business still intact?
Everyone loves Flawless:
'A rollicking romp of a read...Bagshawe has come up with a corker' GLAMOUR
'So much fun you won't be able to put it down' OK
'An entertaining, light-hearted read...racy, pacy and very funny' OBSERVER


Tilly Bagshawe

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