Todd Maternowski


ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1466016035
EAN 9781466016033
Veröffentlicht Juli 2011
Verlag/Hersteller Todd Maternowski
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
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The holy men of Exmortus Abbey have unearthed a terrible evil. To save their floundering faith, they dug up an artifact of immense power —and unleashed the demon avatar of long-dead gods.
Ash Xavier, a brilliant young knight-in-training, survives the avatar's brutal onslaught on the Abbey only to see his entire world crumble around him. With no weapons, no horse, no map and no chance, he must use his wits alone to take the artifact across hundreds of miles of hostile terrain to safety in the fabled city of Helios —provided he can survive that long.
EXMORTUS, BOOK I: TOWERS OF DAWN is a work of epic dark fantasy in the mold of George R.R. Martin or Gene Wolfe, with fresh angles on the classic literary problems of growing into adulthood, sword-and-sorcery adventure, love and sex, friendship and betrayal, guilt and innocence, murder and exile, battles on land and at sea, creepy demons and how to deal with unkillable beasts at the worst possible times.
EXMORTUS: TOWERS OF DAWN is followed by the second book of the trilogy, EXMORTUS BOOK II: TEMPLES DIABOLIC, and the third and final installment, EXMORTUS BOOK III: TOMBS OF HALF-GODS.


Born in Madison, Wisconsin, Todd studied Ancient Near Eastern religion and early Judeo-Christianity at the University of Chicago before heading into the real world. He has since worked as a ballroom dance instructor, bass player, mediator, credit specialist, art preparator, janitor, journalist, copy editor, armored car money counter, mambo dancer, and satirist. He lives in Dallas, Texas with his two tiny terrors.

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