Todd Miller

Hail, the Great Magician!

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1311482725
EAN 9781311482723
Veröffentlicht Februar 2016
Verlag/Hersteller Todd Miller
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
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On the remote island city of Gizli Sehir, the Mathematicians work furiously on their Impossible Contraptions to keep the Great Magician at bay, while vigilant Inquisitors search out his hideous thralls to destroy.
The good citizens pray to Kara Kurbaga to keep their Equations safe from the Great Magician's pernicious influence, in whatever form it takes—a box of forbidden wind-up toys, a sonata that makes the shadows crawl, or a taxidermy specimen that whispers secrets in the night.
But the insidious chant of the Magician's magical numbers proves too powerful for many to resist, and His diabolical path beckons...
Purple leviathans lurk in the bay. A talking dog haunts the hallways of a tumbledown slum, while an unlucky Bride prepares herself to satisfy the Ninth Banker's deadly demands. The Fuller seeks his magic clay, and the Monks beseech their frog god for salvation, but their city is slowly slipping into the swirling madness of the abyss.


Todd Miller graduated from New York University's Tisch School of the Arts with a BFA in Dramatic Writing. His plays have been produced both off-off Broadway and in Los Angeles. He is the author of A Silence of Spiders, and Hail, the Great Magician! Todd Miller is also the co-author of Ork! the Roleplaying Game, published by Green Ronin Publishing.

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