Tom Brady

The TB12 Method

How to Achieve a Lifetime of Sustained Peak Performance. 4-c thru-out; 1-c endpapers;. EPUB. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 320 Seiten
ISBN 1501180754
EAN 9781501180750
Veröffentlicht September 2017
Verlag/Hersteller Simon + Schuster LLC
Familienlizenz Family Sharing

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The #1 New York Times bestseller by the 7-time Super Bowl champion
The first book by NFL legend Tom Brady, former quarterback with the New England Patriots and Tampa Bay Buccaneers, who reached unimaginable heights of excellence into his forties—a gorgeously illustrated and deeply practical "athlete's bible" that reveals Brady's revolutionary approach to sustained peak performance for athletes of all kinds and all ages.
In this new edition of The TB12 Method, Tom Brady further explains and details the revolutionary training, conditioning, and wellness system that has kept him atop the NFL at an age when most players are deep into retirement. Brady—along with the expert Body Coaches at TB12, the performance lifestyle brand he cofounded in 2013 with Alex Guerrero—explain the principles and philosophies of pliability, a paradigm-shifting fitness concept that focuses on a more natural, healthier way of exercising, training, and living. Filled with lessons from Brady's own training regimen, The TB12 Method provides step-by-step guidance on how develop and maintain one's own peak performance while dramatically decreasing injury risks. This illustrated, highly visual manual also offers more effective approaches to functional strength & conditioning, proper hydration, supplementation, cognitive fitness, restorative sleep, and nutritious, easy-to-execute recipes to help readers fuel-up and recover.
Brady steadfastly believes that the TB12 approach has kept him competitive while extending his career, and that it can make any athlete, male or female, in any sport and at any level achieve his or her own peak performance and do what they love, better and for longer. With instructions, drills, photos, in-depth case studies that Brady himself has used, along with personal anecdotes and experiences from his legendary career, The TB12 Method gives you a better way to train and get results with Tom Brady himself as living proof.


Tom Brady

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