Tomos Roberts (Tomfoolery)

The Great Realization Ukrainian (Ukrainian Edition)

ebook Ausgabe. Empfohlen 4 bis 8 Jahre. f/c. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 32 Seiten
ISBN 0063321890
EAN 9780063321892
Veröffentlicht Mai 2023
Verlag/Hersteller HarperCollins
Übersetzer Übersetzt von Darya Peipon, Larysa Tsilyk
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
0,00 inkl. MwSt.
Sofort Lieferbar (Download)

Translated by Dasha Peipon, writer, editor and teacher, who's originally from Ukraine, and Larysa Tsilyk, a Ukrainian poet, HarperCollins Children's Books is happy to make available in ebook format this picture book in the Ukrainian language for no charge in the hopes that it will bring joy to displaced Ukrainian children and their families.
Selected by Today as a book "to ease kids' anxiety about coronavirus.”
We all need hope. Humans have an extraordinary capacity to battle through adversity, but only if they have something to cling onto: a belief or hope that maybe, one day, things will be better.
This idea sparked The Great Realization. Sharing the truths we may find hard to tell but also celebrating the things—from simple acts of kindness and finding joy in everyday activities, to the creativity within us all—that have brought us together during lockdown, it gives us hope in this time of global crisis.
Written for his younger brother and sister in response to the Covid-19 pandemic, Tomos Roberts's heartfelt poem is as timely as it is timeless. Its message of hope and resilience, of rebirth and renewal, has captured the hearts of children and adults all over the globe—and the glimpse it offers of a fairer, kinder, more sustainable world continues to inspire thousands every day.
With Tomos Roberts's heartfelt poem and beautiful illustrations by award-winning artist Nomoco, The Great Realization is a profound work, at once striking and reassuring, reminding readers young and old that in the face of adversity there are still dreams to be dreamt and kindnesses to be shared and hope. There is still hope.
We now call it The Great Realization
and, yes, since then there have been many.
But that's the story of how it started . . .
and why hindsight's 2020.


Tomos Roberts (Tomfoolery) is a spoken-word poet and filmmaker, born in New Zealand to Welsh parents. He was inspired to write The Great Realization while homeschooling his seven-year-old brother and sister, and the resulting film includes a cameo from his brother, Cai. Since its release, Tomos's heartfelt poem has been watched by tens of millions, bringing with it newspaper and TV interviews, high-profile endorsements, and thousands of messages of appreciation from around the world. Tomos lives in London.

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