Tony Santorella

Bored Gay Werewolf

"An ungodly joy" Attitude Magazine. Main. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 272 Seiten
ISBN 1838957189
EAN 9781838957186
Veröffentlicht Juni 2023
Verlag/Hersteller Atlantic Books
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
6,99 inkl. MwSt.
Sofort Lieferbar (Download)

Brian, an aimless slacker, works doubles at his shift job, forgets to clean his room and lays about with his friends Nik and Darby. He's been struggling to manage his transition to adulthood almost as much as his monthly transitions to a werewolf. Really, he is not great at the whole werewolf thing, and his recent murderous slip-ups have caught the attention of Tyler, a Millennial were-mentor determined to take the mythological world by storm. Tyler has got a plan, and weirdly his self-help punditry actually encourages Brian to shape up and to stop accidently marking out guys who ghosted him on Grindr as potential monthly victims. But as Brian gets closer to Tyler's pack, and alienated from Nik and Darby, he realises that Tyler's expansion plans are much more nefarious than a little lupine enlightenment...


Tony Santorella was born and raised in Danvers, Massachusetts, site of the Salem Witch Trials and related hauntings. He moved to Washington, DC in 2005, where he waited tables until beginning his decade-long career in international development. Through his work he has travelled the globe designing aid programs in Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa including a two-year stint in London for his Master's degree. He began writing his debut novel to explore his fascination with the mystical from his hometown and the power and ambition of the capital through the acerbic irreverence of the service industry. When he's not writing, he's spending time with his husband Robert and their two cats Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac

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