Tony Wrighton

Beat Burnout: Overcome Exhaustion, Minimize Stress, and Take Back Your Life in 30 Days (30 Day Expert Series)

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
EAN 9798223728153
Veröffentlicht Mai 2023
Verlag/Hersteller Tony Wrighton
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
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Sofort Lieferbar (Download)

Are you feeling overwhelmed, exhausted, and struggling to keep up with the demands of daily life?
From a bestselling non-fiction author published in 12 languages, this meticulously researched program helps you break free from the debilitating grip of burnout, tackle stress, and restore balance - all without resorting to intravenous caffeine!
Unlock the secret to overcoming burnout and reclaiming your life with this groundbreaking guide from the acclaimed 30 Day Expert Series
This essential guide offers:
The symptoms of burnout and how they affect every aspect of your life (hint: it's not just about work).
An in-depth exploration of the widespread impact of burnout - you're not alone on this journey.
A week-by-week roadmap to releasing stress and finding rest... without needing a double espresso every hour.
Meticulous scientific references paired with good stories and a sprinkle of irreverent humor to lighten your recovery journey.
The ultimate resource for prioritizing your well-being in the face of the constant demands of a hectic world.
By the end of these 30 days, you'll have the tools and strategies needed to beat burnout, restore your energy, and ultimately, get your life back.
Don't let burnout control your life any longer - empower yourself to take charge, rediscover your energy, and start living again with the expert guidance of this transformative book. Get ready to beat burnout and make "exhausted" a thing of the past.
About the Author:
Tony Wrighton is a TV presenter, journalist, and the author of six books published in 12 languages. He's also the host of the popular and long-running health and wellness podcast Zestology. Tony is a leading authority in the field of personal development and wellness. In addition to his work as an author and presenter, Tony is a sought-after speaker and trainer, sharing his insights and expertise on burnout, stress management, personal growth at conferences and events worldwide.

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