Tristan Stephenson

The Curious Bartender's Agave Safari

Discovering and appreciating Mexico's tequilas, mezcals & more. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 224 Seiten
ISBN 1788796985
EAN 9781788796989
Veröffentlicht 8. April 2025
Verlag/Hersteller Ryland Peters & Small
Familienlizenz Family Sharing

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DISCOVER the HERITAGE of AGAVE-BASED SPIRITS in the first all-new book in five years by Tristan Stephenson, master mixologist, spirit entrepreneur and AWARD-WINNING BESTSELLING author of the Curious Bartender series of books.
This book is an account of Tristan's remarkable JOURNEY through SIX MEXICAN STATES and into the heartlands of AGAVE SPIRIT production to discover the spirit of Mexico in every sense.
It is a physical, geographical journey, but also a historical, cultural and spiritual one. Along the way Tristan explores different producers, tell their stories and shares their philosophies, as well as the story of Mexican spirit: its food, cocktails, music, geography and politics.
By the end he has provided the reader with a strong taste of what makes this country so special and what makes agave spirits one of the most exciting of all the world's spirit categories today. Also included are perfected recipes for Tristan's pick of the finest agave spirit drinks there are, including the legendary Margarita, Paloma and Batida as well as modern classics Tommy's Margarita and Tinglet.

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