
Black Tiger 1 Coming Home

Volume 4 Beach Party. Empfohlen ab 12 Jahre. 1. Auflage. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 118 Seiten
ISBN 3769395433
EAN 9783769395433
Veröffentlicht Januar 2025
Verlag/Hersteller BoD - Books on Demand
Familienlizenz Family Sharing

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Kathleen is looking forward to finally seeing her friend Claudia again and spending her vacation together in her village. She actually gets what she was hoping for - sea, beach, party, fun! And much more, because she meets the mysterious Marcello, who has a secret surrounding him. Together with him and his friends, a few wild, unpredictable days begin. But despite the lightness of summer, Kathleen senses a threat in the air - is Marcello in danger? And what is section B all about? The more the days pass, the more she learns about the lives of the people in the village. And not everything that seemed to be fine at first remains so. Marcello and Kathleen grow closer and a passionate love flares up between them. But is their love strong enough to make up for the differences between them and can she accept him for who he is?
Volume 4 Beach Party: Today is the beach party! Kathleen is celebrating with her new and old friends and finds out how Gregory and Marcello met.


Author of the Black Tiger book series. Website and imprint: The fantasy romance book series Black Tiger starts in the year of the black water tiger! Young Adult/New Adult, Urban Fantasy Romance, Book 1 Coming Home: Volumes 1-7.

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