Urban Planning During Socialism

Views from the Periphery. 1. Auflage. 31 schwarz-weiße Abbildungen, 25 schwarz-weiße Fotos, 6 schwarz-weiße Zeichnungen, 3 schwarz-weiße Tabellen. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 296 Seiten
ISBN 1003805434
EAN 9781003805434
Veröffentlicht Oktober 2023
Verlag/Hersteller Taylor & Francis eBooks

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Urban Planning During Socialism examines the transformations of cities during the period of state socialism of the 20th century, summarizing the urban and architectural studies that trace their transformations.


Jasna Mariotti is Senior Lecturer in Architecture at Queen's University Belfast, UK. Her research focuses on the relationship between urban history, planning and architecture in the 20th and 21st centuries, linking two main themes. The first one focuses on architecture and urban planning under the influence of political organizations and mechanisms of production of space in socialist and post-socialist countries. The second one relates to the architecture of mass housing in particular to the spontaneous and planned practices of transformation of housing estates and changing notions of habitation. Her current research is funded by the EPSRC and The Great Britain Sasakawa Foundation. Previously she was architect and urban designer in WEST 8 Urban Design and Landscape Architecture in Rotterdam.
Kadri Leetmaa holds a PhD in Human Geography from the University of Tartu, Estonia. Currently she works as the Head of the Department of Geography and the Associate Professor of human geography at the Centre for Migration and Urban Studies at the University of Tartu. She is the member of the Scientific Board of the Leibniz-Institute for Regional Geography, Leipzig, Germany. Her research topics include urban geography under and after socialism, inequalities in urban and rural space, urban planning and housing policies affecting inequalities, migration, residential preferences, neighborhood change, inter-ethnic contacts in society and space.

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