Ursula K. Le Guin

Tales from Earthsea

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 320 Seiten
ISBN 054754555X
EAN 9780547545554
Veröffentlicht Mai 2001
Verlag/Hersteller Clarion Books
Familienlizenz Family Sharing

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The tales of this book, as Ursula K. Le Guin writes in her introduction, explore or extend the world established by her first four Earthsea novels. Yet each stands on its own. The Finder, a novella set a few hundred years before A Wizard of Earthsea, presents a dark and troubled Archipelago and shows how some of its customs and institutions came to be. The Bones of the Earth features the wizards who taught the wizard who first taught Ged and demonstrates how humility, if great enough, can contend with an earthquake. Darkrose and Diamond is a delightful story of young courtship showing that wizards sometimes pursue alternative careers. On the High Marsh tells of the love of power-and of the power of love. Dragonfly shows how a determined woman can break the glass ceiling of male magedom. Concluding with an account of Earthseas history, people, languages, literature, and magic, this collection also features a mapof Earthsea.This ebook includes a sample chapter ofTHE OTHER WIND.

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