V. A. Jeffrey

Schisms (Red World, #1)

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
EAN 9798227399830
Veröffentlicht Dezember 2012
Verlag/Hersteller Epistle Publishing
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
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A queen in peril. An outsider priest. A young girl who dreams of adventure.
An ancient prophecy has reappeared, one that promises the people deliverance from the rot of corruption that permeates the land. However, there are those who have no need of "savior prophecies" which get in the way of the more pragmatic concerns of acquiring power.
The ancient capital, Assenna, has been in ruins for ages and the line of divine red kings that ruled from it are nearly forgotten. It was foretold that the blood of this kingly line would rule the land and raise it up to its former glory. The Ainash priesthood, a ruthless faction in the city of Jhis have fallen in power after a barbarian warrior has conquered the land. They have not forgotten this slight and like vultures carefully look for any weakness in the court to exploit and engineer his downfall. But even among the Ainash priesthood, there are plots within plots. Under the barbarian's rule Hybron has once again been reunited under one power. Is he the future Red King of prophecy? As the kingdom remains embroiled in corruption and violence under his rulership it is doubtful and his queen, a devout woman of the Aishanna-La has borne him no heirs. As the queen throws herself toward the apex of a dangerous political conflict her decisions will have long-reaching effects on the fate of the kingdom - and her own.
Ilim, an Ainash priest, is thrown out of the Golden Temple. He has a prophetic dream and a divine commission and he believes this new spiritual path will lead him to the answer that will save the kingdom. It leads him, not to a great warrior and a holy army, but to a feisty little girl in the fortress town of Gamina.
Plots and betrayals abound. Visions are dangerous, paths are perilous and prophecy seems improbable. All are caught in the river of Destiny and Purpose. Some will rise and others will drown. Who will triumph?

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