V. T. Bonds

Possessive Vows (Vicious Mafia Kings, #5)

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
EAN 9798227412270
Veröffentlicht 20. Mai 2025
Verlag/Hersteller V.T. Bonds
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
5,49 inkl. MwSt.
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"You are mine now, sólnyshka. No one will ever hurt you again."
Camilla Vivaldi
The night my father fails to protect me is the night I vow to never trust a man again, until a Russian angel of death saves me from another attack and demands to right what can't be fixed.
Despite his sinfully dark and brutal appearance, the hunger in his eyes and his love for his children may be my biggest threat of all.
His brother ruined my body, but the ruthless bratva assassin has the power to destroy my heart.
Dimitri Volkov
As the enforcer of Russia's most powerful bratva family, it is my duty to right the wrongs of my exiled brother, even when it means marrying the girl he left in ruins.
She is too young and beautiful for a cold-hearted ubiytsa like me, but when she earns the trust of my children, I vow to protect, possess, and heal her. She is mine now.
I promised not to touch her, but I never said I wouldn't make her so desperate she begs for it.
Possessive Vows (Vicious Mafia Kings Book 5) is a super spicy enemies to lovers dark mafia arranged marriage romance with a jealous/possessive hero, a strong, competent female lead, and a deliciously dirty battle of wills.
This story is intended for 18+ readers and includes mature content such as graphic violence, profanity, infertility, and other adult themes.
Can be read as a standalone. HEA guaranteed.


V.T. Bonds is an avid reader of all things filthy and enticing. They began the slide into darkness one book at a time.
And now the results are complete.
V.T. Bonds' imagination has blossomed into darkness so extensive they cannot withhold it from you any longer. Embark on a thrilling, steamy journey with them.
Let them share their corruption with you, one book at a time.

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