Vanessa Riley

Murder in Westminster: Sneak Peek

A Riveting Regency Historical Mystery. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 33 Seiten
ISBN 1496741846
EAN 9781496741844
Veröffentlicht August 2022
Verlag/Hersteller Kensington Books
0,00 inkl. MwSt.
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Perfect for readers looking for a darker twist on Bridgerton, this first story in a vibrant, inclusive new historical mystery series from an acclaimed author portrays the true diversity of the Regency-era, as a widow whose skin color and notorious family history have left her with few friends she can rely on - just as the local vicar names her the prime suspect in a murder case…
"Snappy dialogue, abundant intrigue, and Abbie and Stapleton's increasingly flirtatious antagonism keep the tension high and the narrative drive strong. Smart, fun, and full of moxie." -Kirkus Reviews
Discovering a body on her property presents Lady Abigail Worthing with more than one pressing problem. The victim is Juliet, the wife of her neighbor, Stapleton Henderson. Although Abigail has little connection with the lady in question, she expects to be under suspicion. Abigail's skin color and her mother's notorious past have earned her a certain reputation among the ton, and no amount of wealth or status will eclipse it.
Abigail can't divulge that she was attending a secret pro-abolition meeting at the time of the murder. To her surprise, Henderson offers her an alibi. Though he and Juliet were long estranged, and she had a string of lovers, he feels a certain loyalty to his late wife. Perhaps together, he and Abigail can learn the truth.
Abigail, whose marriage to Lord Worthing was not a love match, knows well how appearances can deceive. For all its surface elegance, London's high society can be treacherous. Yet who in their circle would have killed Juliet, and why? Taking the reins of her life in a way she never has before, Abby intends to find out-but in the process she will uncover more danger than she ever imagined . . .
"Fans of Bridgerton will enjoy this one." -Publishers Weekly


Fascinated by the Regency and early Victorian eras, Vanessa Riley made time for renaissance fairs, and period novels and films while obtaining her Ph.D in mechanical engineering from Stanford University. She is a member of Romance Writers of America, Specialty RWA Chapters: The Beaumonde, and the Georgia Chapters, as well as the Historical Novel Society. Vanessa also juggles her military hubby, mothering a teen, and speaking at women's events. Visit her at

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