Veronique Olmi


A Novel of the Saint of Sudan. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 464 Seiten
ISBN 1590519787
EAN 9781590519783
Veröffentlicht April 2019
Verlag/Hersteller Other Press
Übersetzer Übersetzt von Adriana Hunter
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
16,49 inkl. MwSt.
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Inspired by the true story of a former slave who became a saint, this poignant novel explores how a human being can survive the obliteration of her identity, and how kindness and generosity can be born out of profound trauma.
She recalls little of her childhood, not even her own name. She was barely seven years old when she was snatched by slave raiders from her village in the Darfur region of southern Sudan. In a cruel twist, they gave her the name that she will carry for the rest of her life: Bakhita, "the Lucky One" in Arabic. Sold and resold along the slave trade routes, Bakhita endures years of unspeakable abuse and terror. At age thirteen, at last, her life takes a turn when the Italian consul in Khartoum purchases her. A few years later, as chaos engulfs the capital, the consul returns to Italy, taking Bakhita with him. In this new land, another long and arduous journey begins--one that leads her onto a spiritual path for which she is still revered today.
With rich, evocative language, Véronique Olmi immerses the reader in Bakhita's world--her unfathomable resilience, her stubborn desire to live, and her ability to turn toward the pain of others in spite of the terrible sufferings that she too must endure.


Véronique Olmi is an actor, playwright, and stage director who has written several novels, including the critically acclaimed Beside the Sea and Cet été-là, for which she received the Prix Maison de la Presse in 2011. She has also published two plays, Une séparation and Un autre que moi.
Adriana Hunter studied French and Drama at the University of London. She has translated more than eighty books, including Véronique Olmi's Bakhita and Hervé Le Tellier's Eléctrico W, winner of the French-American Foundation's 2013 Translation Prize in Fiction. She lives in Kent, England.

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