Viga Boland

Love Has No Gender

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1310614245
EAN 9781310614248
Veröffentlicht März 2016
Verlag/Hersteller Viga Boland
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
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Meet Dolores and her alter ego, Delilah. A 50-year-old virgin, thanks to her over-protective, God-fearing mother whom Dolores has looked after in her aging years, Dolores is now finally free and desperate to experience life and love. Dolores goes on a cruise where she meets James who is also looking for love. She introduces herself as Delilah and the game begins as each hides the truth about their past and who they really are. Can this relationship they both need work, given the secrets each carries and is afraid to tell the other? Join them on their road to both other and self-discovery in this longer, short love story with a timeless, and important message. At the end of "Love has no Gender", readers can enjoy excerpts from the author's other books in which non-fiction memoir reads just like fiction!


Viga Boland is the author of 4 books, three of which are memoirs based on the childhood sexual abuse (incest) to which she was subjected from the ages of 11-24. She kept the abuse secret for nearly 45 years, not even telling her husband and family until she was 65. On hearing the details, her small but supportive family encouraged her to write her true story to help other victims of incest realize they are not alone and to increase awareness of this much denied form of sexual abuse. The result of the encouragement was her first memoir, self-published in 2013, "NO TEARS FOR MY FATHER", for which she received a Gold Medal in the 2014 Readers Favourites Awards.
Today, at 70 years of age, Viga Boland is a popular speaker at conferences on Sexual Violence. She also blogs and podcasts on sexual abuse, (i-Tunes, Stitcher, along with teaching memoir writing in her local library. She is also devoted to helping other memoir writers increase their visibility via her blogs and podcasts at
Viga's 2nd memoir, "Learning to Love Myself" is centered on her story of healing and self-discovery as someone worthy of love. This book is an uplifting and enjoyable read. The 3rd memoir in this series on sexual abuse, "Voice from an Urn", answers questions about Viga's mother's role, if she had one, in the incest. You can listen to sections of this book via her "VIGALAND" podcast. (See Viga's personal website for the links on iTunes and Stitcher)
Viga's other book. a semi-memoir, is a very humorous account of her 4-5 years in a Catholic High School in the early 60's. "The Ladies of Loretto", at this time, is only available from Viga's personal website:

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