Vincent Miskell

To Ignite a Fire on Enceladus and Jack London's To Build a Fire

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 59 Seiten
ISBN 1466085150
EAN 9781466085152
Veröffentlicht September 2011
Verlag/Hersteller Vincent Miskell
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
0,99 inkl. MwSt.
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"To Ignite a Fire on Enceladus" is an imaginative science fiction variation or update on Jack London's "To Build a Fire," a 1908 classic story for survival in the frozen terrain of the Yukon. Except now, a space miner is struggling to stay alive on an icy moon of Saturn where he has crash-landed with a dog. But Enceladus is no ordinary moon; it has ice volcanoes that regularly erupt, blasting water, ice, and different kinds of gases into space toward the rings of Saturn. This peculiar feature of Enceladus gives the space miner hope that he can replenish the energy in his and the dog's special suits before they both freeze in the 200-below zero temperatures.
Because "To Ignite a Fire on Enceladus" directly descends from "To Build a Fire," it seems natural to include both stories together in one book. Now readers can compare the stories easily, and the stories can even be used for more serious study and comparison by teachers and students in literature and English courses (see Study Guide and Exercises).


Vincent Miskell is a college instructor, a writer, and a poet. He is the co-author (along with his wife Jane) of OVERCOMING ANXIETY AT WORK and MOTIVATION AT WORK.
His short fiction has appeared in ROSEBUD, INTERTEXT, ECLIPSE, and in the SF paperback anthology, the AGE OF WONDER. His poetry has appeared in THE LYRIC, POETIC VOICES OF AMERICA, and MOBIUS.
In 2006, his poem "Screen Savior" was nominated for a Rhysling Award and his poems have been published in ASIMOV'S SF mag (Sept. and Oct./Nov. 2006 and March 2010). His poem, "Seven Dates with a Time Traveler," appeared online in the May 2007 issue of FROM THE ASYLUM.
"Giving the World Away for Almost You" appeared in the December 2010 issue of AOIFE'S KISS.
"Godspeed Inc," a novelette, begins the Naomi Kinder SF adventure series, which continues in the full-length novel, RESCUING THE FUTURE. Two more novels in the series are in the works.

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