Vivian Wood

The Accidental Honeymoon (Wildflower Lane, #1)

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 195983097X
EAN 9781959830979
Veröffentlicht März 2025
Verlag/Hersteller Vivian Wood
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
5,99 inkl. MwSt.
Sofort Lieferbar (Download)

Faking forever never tasted so sweet.
When Calla Nikolakis gets the cake commission of her dreams, she's in love... with how much exposure she'll get from doing ultra-hot lifestyle guru Jay Rustin's wedding.
Smash cut to twelve hours later. She wakes up buck naked next to Jay, wearing a ring on her finger and sporting a Jay bird brand-new tattoo. In case anyone's counting, that's two bad decisions for the price of one.
The next thing she knows, a viral post of her and Jay saying "I do" spreads like wildfire. Everybody and their mama has seen her become Mrs. Jay Rustin.
Normally, Calla is known for being calm in any situation. But one look into her now-husband's panty-meltingly blue eyes, and she's anything but cool and collected. Before she can freak the geek out, Jay makes her a new proposal.
Stay married for three months. Go on a crazy hillbilly honeymoon to appease his sponsors. Convince everyone they're the real deal.
In exchange, Jay promises to boost her business to guarantee that her bakery stays afloat. She can hardly say no. Besides, with the opportunity to spend weeks sleeping in Jay's bed... why would she want to decline?
There's just one thing she promises herself: absolutely no falling in love. No looking at his sculpted muscles as they hike. No peeking beneath the covers just out of curiosity. And absolutely no swooning when he feeds her buttercream with his fingers.
It's all for show to convince the world they're a dream couple. It should be no problem... just as long as he doesn't accidentally love her back.

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