
God's Game Plan: Umlayezo Omuhle wase Kasi

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
EAN 9798230412366
Veröffentlicht Februar 2025
Verlag/Hersteller Usman Wayson
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
5,49 inkl. MwSt.
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God's Game Plan: Umlayezo Omuhle wase Kasi is a powerful and deeply personal journey of faith, passion, and purpose. Rooted in the kasi (township) experience, this book blends the love of soccer with the transformative power of God's grace. From the dusty streets where dreams are born to the grand stadium of life where spiritual battles are fought, this story reflects the struggles, victories, and faith of someone who once lived for the game but found a greater calling in Christ.
Through wisdom, intrusive thoughts, and heartfelt emotions, this book speaks to every hustler, every dreamer, and every believer navigating the game of life. Whether you're on the field or the sidelines, God has a plan for you—one bigger than any trophy, fame, or glory the world can offer. This is more than a story; it's a call to step into the greatest team of all time—God's Kingdom.


Author Profile: Usman Wayson
Inspiring Positivity and Growth
Usman Wayson, from Actonville, Benoni, South Africa, is an author dedicated to spreading messages of hope and personal growth. His writings inspire readers of all ages, offering encouragement and wisdom shaped by his unique experiences.
Usman's work emphasizes resilience, gratitude, and embracing life's challenges. He uses his books and public speaking engagements to uplift and motivate his audience.
Connect with Usman:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/@TheScrollofLife

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