Wolfgang Traxler

Indoor flying for beginners

Models - Propulsion - RC components - Building tips - Flying techniques.
epub eBook , 72 Seiten
ISBN 3754677500
EAN 9783754677506
Veröffentlicht August 2022
Verlag/Hersteller VTH Verlag für Technik und Handwerk neue Medien GmbH
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
14,99 inkl. MwSt.
Sofort Lieferbar (Download)

Going flying - even in winter when it's stormy and snowing outside - is a long-cherished dream of model pilots. Until just a few years ago, the fulfilment of this dream of flying indoors was reserved for only a few specialists. Only the discovery of the material "Depron" for model flying, brushless motors and LiPo batteries as well as the ever smaller and lighter components for the RC system make possible flying weights and performances with which even demanding aerobatics, including 3D flight, can be realised. This book makes it easier for the interested model pilot to get started in indoor (aerobatic) flying and gives tips on equipment as well as on building an indoor flying model. From the content: . Silhouette or full fuselage, self-built or finished model? . CFRP profiles, Depron, surface design . Motor, controller, batteries, connectors, charging station . The RC components - transmitter, receiver, servos, rudder linkages, pushrods, cable linkages, . Tips on material processing and assembly . Tips for flying in - flying technique in the hangar and first aerobatic manoeuvres . Illustrated repair instructions for a damaged front wing . Requirements for the hall, contact persons, safety rules, hall regulations, . "preparation" of the hall and special features of the unfamiliar environment . Tabular compilation of the models used


Verlag für Technik und Handwerk neue Medien has been the specialist publisher for model making in the aviation, ship, truck and machinery sectors since 1946.

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