Wolfgang :ellenberger EN

Watch out for the energy vampires!

How I can protect my energy balance in everyday life. Get to know the language of the soul. Empfohlen 18 bis 99 Jahre. 1. Auflage. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 60 Seiten
ISBN 381904776X
EAN 9783819047763
Veröffentlicht März 2025
Verlag/Hersteller epubli
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
6,99 inkl. MwSt.
Sofort Lieferbar (Download)

:ellenberger :wolfgang is a doctor, pianist, conductor and publisher of several operas and sheet music and now also books. Working in psychiatry, he learned intensively how to observe people. Elisabeth Kübler-Ross opened up his perspective to the spiritual world. In doing so, he significantly expands the considerations of the few existing books about energy vampires or psychovampires, because he also provides the book with the website vamp.ellenberger.institute with multi-media content on the topic. After purchasing the book or ePUB book, the buyer sends an email with the receipt number to vamp@ellenberger.institute and will receive the access code for the website within 48 hours.
In his observations he describes the behavior of vampires and how they can be countered. That's pretty tricky sometimes. Anyone who first learns to understand the language of the soul will then be able to deal with it quite naturally.


:ellenberger :wolfgang is a doctor, pianist, conductor and publisher of several operas and sheet music and now also books. Working in psychiatry, he learned intensively how to observe people. Elisabeth Kübler-Ross opened up his perspective to the spiritual world. In doing so, he significantly expands the considerations of the few existing books about energy vampires or psychovampires, because he also provides the book with the website vamp.ellenberger.institute with multi-media content on the topic. After purchasing the book or ePUB book, the buyer sends an email with the receipt number to vamp@ellenberger.institute and will receive the access code for the website within 48 hours.
In his observations he describes the behavior of vampires and how they can be encountered.

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