Bad Cat Wall Calendar 2024 - Workman Calendars

Workman Calendars

Bad Cat Wall Calendar 2024

Celebrating the Misfits of the Feline World. Sprache: Englisch 30, 2 cm / 30, 5 cm / 0, 5 cm ( B/H/T ).
Kalender , 28 Seiten
ISBN 1523518839
EAN 9781523518838
Veröffentlicht August 2023
Verlag/Hersteller Workman Publishing
18,50 inkl. MwSt.
Lieferbar innerhalb von 2 Wochen (Versand mit Deutscher Post/DHL)

Here Comes Trouble.
There’s a big difference between a cat with attitude—which is pretty much every cat—and one that’s gone completely off the rails (i.e., these cats). Adapted from the off-kilter #1 New York Times bestselling book, this uproarious tribute to the darker side of feline life celebrates all the many, many ways that cats can go astray. Like the cat unionizing with a house mouse. Or the chonky boy commandeering the slow cooker. Or those cats who act all nice but are secretly plotting their enemy’s demise—whoa, watch out! Plus not-so-innocent little kittens, Who’s Who in Bad Cats, Bad Cat Bucket List, and Bad Cat Early Warning Signs: Cats plan ambush of aunt’s visiting chihuahua. Printed on responsibly sourced paper.


Workman Calendars

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