Xycv1980249, Xavier Yarince Campos Valle


ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Spanisch.
epub eBook
EAN 9798230453857
Veröffentlicht März 2025
Verlag/Hersteller XYCV1980249
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
4,99 inkl. MwSt.
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La Biblia ha sido manipulada, distorsionada y utilizada para el control. Durante siglos, nos han enseñado a temer a Dios en lugar de reconocerlo dentro de nosotros. Pero la verdad no puede ser silenciada para siempre.
Este libro es una llave de despertar, una guía para salir de la oscuridad y recordar quién eres en Dios. A través de revelaciones profundas, versículos bíblicos y enseñanzas olvidadas, desmantelarás las mentiras y descubrirás:
El verdadero significado del Reino de Dios – No está en templos, está dentro de ti.
Por qué el miedo ha sido usado para manipularte, y cómo el amor es la clave para liberarte.
Cristo no vino a fundar una religión; su mensaje es mucho más grande de lo que nos dijeron.
El poder de la palabra y la conexión con Dios sin intermediarios.
La verdad sobre el ego, la sombra y cómo trascender el miedo a través de la fe y la consciencia.
"Conoceréis la verdad, y la verdad os hará libres." (Juan 8:32)
Este libro no intenta convencerte de nada. No busca imponerte una verdad, porque la verdad ya vive en ti. Solo necesitas recordar.
Si algo dentro de ti resuena al leer estas palabras... es porque ya estás despertando.


I am a creator who explores the boundaries between art, consciousness, and energy, where the visible and the invisible meet. Through my creations, I seek to awaken something deep within those who encounter them, reminding us that truth and divinity already reside within us.
My journey began with painting, exploring surrealism as a gateway to the mysteries of the mind and the symbols that connect us to the sacred. Music is another of my languages, a vibration that elevates the spirit and reminds us that we are all one. I believe in the power of sound to heal, awaken, and unite.
This is not religion; it is something deeper—a call to discover the divine within. True spirituality is not found in dogma or institutions but in the silence of the heart and the connection to our essence.
My creative process is a journey into the unexplored, where emotions, ancestral symbols, light, and shadow intertwine. Love is the force that guides my work, the principle that nourishes every brushstroke, every note, and every word.
Through my art and music, I do not promote any specific path—especially not the use of psychedelics or external tools as a means of awakening. Each person is responsible for their own journey. Awakening does not come from anything external but from the deep remembrance of who we truly are.
What I seek to convey is an invitation to reconnect with our divine essence, to heal, to awaken. When we understand that we are one with everything, love becomes the only path to transformation.
My art and music are an extension of my being, a message that transcends time and space, hoping to touch the hearts of those who dare to listen.
My mission: to remind us that power, light, and truth are already within us—we just need to open our eyes and hearts.

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