Yeong Hwan Choi

Deep State: Crimson Claw

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
EAN 9798230058649
Veröffentlicht Februar 2025
Verlag/Hersteller Yeong Hwan Choi
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
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[Deep State II: Crimson Claw]
"Ha...ha. Why does the world dismiss it all as a conspiracy?" He whispered. "Even when we leave behind symbols, numerology, and undeniable traces, the foolish masses keep calling it a delusion."
They desired a new world order. But whose hands would shape that order?
Simon and Raphael, after stopping in the Vatican and England, follow a set of mysterious blueprints that lead them to Israel. And in the so-called Garden of Eden, they begin to see the truth—though only in fragments.
→ As they exit the park, they notice a yellow butterfly and a cursed child.
The truth, long buried beneath the facade of 'freedom,' begins to surface.
— But that was only the beginning.
→ A chain of unrelenting chaos erupts, leading to the last surviving Freemason arriving in Korea.
"We have an emergency here, too."
The president's impeachment. A rigged election. A suspicious bookstore in Itaewon.
Protests and riots surrounding the enigmatic K-WEB.
Whistleblowers disappearing without a trace.
Somewhere, a great fire ignites—a flood swallows the evidence whole.
【A passage from the journal】
"Day and night reversed, light and darkness devouring each other in an endless cycle. The brighter the sun burned, the darker the shadows grew. And the moon, in its glow, carved even deeper fissures into the night.
People feared the darkness so much, they clung to any glimmer of light. They reached out, blindly, desperately.
My descendants, what did you see? And more importantly—what do you believe?
For the end will mirror the beginning."
And at last, standing at the heart of the chaos, he appears for the first time.
The leader of Nemesis. Absolute power.
Crimson Claw.
"And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free."
"No. The truth is a shackle. And the key? It's in our hands."
"When I pass judgment upon you—" she clicks her nails together, the sound a quiet, slicing whisper. "Your flesh will tear in an instant. The sound of your blood and entrails spilling will ring through the air. And when your pupils dilate in that final moment—when your skin meets my claws—only then will you understand."
📖 Those who build the new era—versus those who seek to tear it down.
Deep State II: Crimson Claw
— Across the world, disasters strike in unison. And in the shadows, the Crimson Claw emerges.
Deep State III: The Manipulation of Memory
— And finally, the war begins. Eden vs. Nemesis.
For centuries, they lurked in the dark. Now, they stand at the center of the world, staring down the barrel of each other's guns.
▷ Global chaos—disasters and terrorism escalating.
▷ Endless civil wars and resource conflicts consuming Africa.
▷ A Middle Eastern war igniting in Israel. China and Taiwan on the brink.
▷ A chain reaction that leads to World War III.
The moment the nuclear launch sequence is triggered, the New World they longed for will be within reach.

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